






本科生专业课《生态学》,研究生核心专业课《生物海洋学》(中、英文课程),研究生公共选修课《Marine Ecology and Benthic Ecosystem(英文课程)




1997~2001,香港大学理学院生态与生物多样性系,博士, 海洋生态学专业





主要从事大型和小型底栖动物的生态学和生物多样性研究。本团队近年来致力于中国近海底栖生态系统的结构、功能及对人为干扰和全球变化的响应,并聚焦在海洋大型和小型底栖动物关键功能群的DNA条形编码和分子系统演化。已在国内外主流刊物发表论文50余篇,成果发表在Marine Pollution Bulletin, Journal of Marine Systems等国际权威期刊上。出版专著和教材10余部。主持承担了国家自然科学面上基金项目“海洋底栖动物关键功能群DNA条形码和分子生物多样性研究”、“砂质滩底栖生态系统对人为干扰的功能响应”、海洋公益性行业专项“我国近海常见底栖动物分类鉴定与信息提取及应用研究”等项目课题。


Hong Zhou*, Karim MD Abdul, Qing Yu, Xiaoshou Liu, Er Hua et al. 2023. Detection of global change with meiofauna and its benthic environment in a shelf sea cold water mass ecosystem. Regional Studies in Marine Science 62: 102918.

 Rebeca Montero-Taboada, Hong Zhou*, Qianqian Jiang, Karim MD Abdul, Saif MD Uddin et al. 2023. Assessment of macrobenthos community and ecological status of the Jiaozhou Bay, China. Regional Studies in Marine Science 62: 102926.

周红. 2022. 线虫动物门. 李新正, 甘志彬 主编. 中国近海底栖动物分类体系, 21-27pp. 中国近海底栖动物常见种名录, 36-69pp. 北京: 科学出版社.

周红*, Saif MD Uddin, 黄梦娇, 刘晓收, 王正茂 等. 2020. 南海北部陆架和陆坡区小型底栖动物群落的比较研究. 海洋与湖沼 5(13): 555-563.

张志南,刘素美,周红等著. 2017. 渤海底栖生物次级生产力与生物多样性. 北京:科学出版社. 408pp.

 Xinyu Sun, Hong Zhou*, Er Hua, Shuhui Xu, Bingqing Cong et al. 2014. Meiofauna and its sedimentary environment as an integrated indication of anthropogenic disturbance to sandy beach ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin 88: 260-267.

Hong Zhou*, Zhinan Zhang, Xiaoshou Liu, Er Hua, 2012. Decadal change in sublittoral macrofaunal biodiversity in the Bohai Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 2364-2373.

Hong Zhou*, Zhinan Zhang, Haiyan Chen, Renhua Sun, Hui Wang et al. 2010. Integrating a DNA barcoding project with an ecological survey: a case study on temperate intertidal polychaete communities in Qingdao, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 28(4): 899-910.

Hong Zhou, Steven V. Fend, Daniel L. Gustafson, Pierre De Wit, Christer Erséus*, 2010. Molecular phylogeny of nearctic species of Rhynchelmis (Annelida). Zoologica Scripta 39: 378-393.

Zhou H, Zhang ZN*, Liu XS, Tu LH, Yu ZS 2007. Changes in the shelf macrobenthic community over large temporal and spatial scales in the Bohai Sea China. Journal of Marine Systems 67: 312-321.